Talking With Cats - From "The Cat Returns"
de Yashida Miyota
Talvez tenha sido um beijo e nada mais,
Mas eu fiquei assim
O teu perfume não me deixa em paz,
Você ficou em mim,
Porque eu só penso em você,
Preciso te encontrar,
Mais uma vez te ver,
Eu quero tanto te falar,atende que sou eu,
Me apaixonei
Ah!Ah!Diz pra mim,
Tudo aquilo que eu preciso ouvir da sua voz
Ah!Ah!Diz pra mim,
Que você também andou pensando em nós
Tenha sido um sonho e nada mais,
Mas eu fiquei assim.
O seu sorriso não me deixe em paz,
Você ficou em mim,
Porque eu só penso em vc,
Preciso te encontrar,
Mais uma vez te ver,
Eu quero tanto te falar,
Atende que sou eu,
Me apaixonei
Más canciones de Yashida Miyota
Ashitaka and San - From "Princess Mononoke"
Ashitaka and San (From "Princess Mononoke")
The Promise of the World - From "Howl's Moving Castle"
The Promise of the World (From "Howl's Moving Castle")
母の死 (From "Grave Of The Fireflies") - Piano
Ghibli Sleep Piano
Home Sweet Home - From "Grave Of The Fireflies"
Ghibli Songs on Piano
海の見える街 / A Town with an Ocean View (From "Kiki's Delivery Service")
Ghibli Music Collection, Vol. I
Merry-Go-Round of Life (From "Howl's Moving Castle")
Ghibli Music Collection, Vol. I
Mother - From "My Neighbor Totoro"
Ghibli Songs on Piano
The Village In May - From "My Neighbor Totoro"
Ghibli Songs on Piano
しめっち屋敷 (From "When Marnie Was There") - Piano
Ghibli Sleep Piano
The Path of Wind (Instrumental) / 風のとおり道 (インストゥルメンタル (From "My Neighbor Totoro")
Ghibli Music Collection, Vol. I
旅立ち―西へ / The Journey to the West (From "Princess Mononoke")
Ghibli Music Collection, Vol. I
Canon (From "Whisper of the Heart")
Ghibli Songs on Piano
An Unusual Painting (From "Kiki's Delivery Service")
Ghibli Songs on Piano
A Picture In Sepia - From "Porco Rosso"
Ghibli Songs on Piano
Chihiro's Waltz - From "Spirited Away"
Ghibli Songs on Piano
A Lost Child - From "My Neighbor Totoro"
Ghibli Songs on Piano
In Loving Memory of Allie - From "Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch"
Ghibli Songs on Piano
Main Theme - From "Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch"
Ghibli Songs on Piano
Forest of Anxiety - From "Whisper of the Heart"
Ghibli Songs on Piano
Discouraged Pazu - From "Laputa: Castle In The Sky"
Ghibli Songs on Piano