Terrible Night It Was
de Yaakov Shwekey
Im eshkachech Yerushalayim
Tishkach yemini
Tid'bak leshoni lechiki
Im-lo ezkereichi:
Im-lo a'aleh et Yerushalayim
al rosh simchati
"Aru, aru— ad hayessod bah!"
Más canciones de Yaakov Shwekey
Baruch Hashem It's Shabbos
Baruch Hashem It's Shabbos
Yossi's Kumzitz Set
Chabad Medley
Those Were the Days, Vol. 2
A Toast to Life
Yiddish Medley
Those Were the Days, Vol. 1
Shwekey Medley
Those Were the Days, Vol. 1
MBD Medley
Those Were the Days, Vol. 1
Kumzitz Medley
Those Were the Days, Vol. 2
Classic Medley
Those Were the Days, Vol. 1
Im Eshkocheich
Lo Yaavod 2.0
Lo Yaavod 2.0
Carlebach Medley
Those Were the Days, Vol. 1
Fried Medley
Those Were the Days, Vol. 2
Israeli Medley
Those Were the Days, Vol. 2
Hu Yiftach
Yishtabach Shemo
Journeys Medley
Those Were the Days, Vol. 1
English Medley
Those Were the Days, Vol. 2
Et Rekod
Dveykus Medley
Those Were the Days, Vol. 1