December Flower
de WOLF!
Tell me why I'm waiting for someone
That couldn't give a fuck about me?
Tell me why I'm waiting for someone
That couldn't give a fuck about me?
Been waiting my whole life
Just to have someone to give a damn about me
No boy, now my family
Can't even count up on my hands
Like one, two, three
Daddy was so carefree about me
If he was alive, yeah
I know he would agree
Can't even get down on one knee
'Cause none of these stupid bitches give a damn about me
Yeah, it's why I wait
Light one up, and I levitate feeling so high elevate
Brother overdosed over something he ate
Momma was all I had, then she got locked up
In the state, feeling so depressed I said, "wait"
Skipping school off some truancy
I was only 11 years old
Someone please tell me how this work
Got so goddamn cold, yeah
Rope around my kneck got me in a threshold
Seven years pas 18, dumb bitch
Love me, then she cheated on me
Baby girl how you do it to me feeling so lonley
Like it was some debris
Flown into death, see, I think she hit me with a blindfold
So I couldn't see everything right in front of me
Someone please tell me why they do this to me
Tell 'em
Tell me why I'm waiting for someone
To come and give a fuck about me? Oh, I, I
Tell me why I'm waiting for someone
That couldn't give a fuck about me?
Glad I found a solution to my depression
Understood the music, a lot of agression
Don't question if it 'ain't process
Then wait till I get to obssesion
No boy never gave a fuck about me
I can guarentee I ain't' never had nobody
Feeling so lonely, baby girl, how you do it to me?
You were my everything
Told me that you loved me
Thinking about the things we could be
Things we would be
I know you cheated on me
But I would do anything for you to hold me
Can't believe I fell for when he told me
You would always be there for me
You wanted nothing in this life but me
Started laying with my family
Then you turnt your back, fucked around, and left me damn
Baby girl, loving you was like playing russian roulette
Put one in the chamber, then spin it
Why you crying?
Why you crying?
You did this to me
Suicidal texting you and then I sent it
Put it to my head
Then I end it, damn
Tell me why I'm waiting for someone
That couldn't give a fuck about me?
So why can't anyone just tell me?
Tell me why I'm waiting for someone
To come and give a fuck about me?
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