Troubled Water
de William Grant Still
I hear you America snoring
I hear you America snoring
Did ya see it on TV
Or in your own backyard
Gate's LAPD
And they called The National Guard
Then the tanks came rolling down
Sunset Boulevard
And I hear America snoring
They want ta' legislate the moon
They want ta' legislate the womb
They wanna legislate all the things they hate
They want ta' legislate this tune
And I hear America snoring snoring
I hear you America snoring snoring
Give wind time to blow
The rooster to crow
Plug my ears but I hear
Oh oh oh
See the shoemaker and his shoes
Sliver needle thread and glue
He's closing up the shop
Move it all to Timbuktu
Where the labor force is cheap
And the rivers there run deep
But I hear America snoring
I hear you America snoring snoring America
I hear you America snoring snoring America
I hear
Más canciones de William Grant Still
Symphony No. 1, "Afro-American": II. Sorrow (Adagio)
Still: Afro-American Symphony
Africa: Land of Romance
Still: Afro-American Symphony
Quit Dat Fool'nish (Arr. D.P. Perna for Violin & Orchestra)
Still: Orchestral Works
3 Visions: No. 2, Summerland
Serenade for Orchestra
Still: Orchestral Works
Wood Notes: IV. Whippoorwill's Shoes: Humorously
Still: Symphonies Nos. 2 & 3 - Wood Notes
3 Visions: No. 2. Summerland
Piano Recital: Waites, Althea - Price, F.B. / Still, W.G. / Bland, E.
Three Visions: II. Summerland
Piano Music by African-American Composers
American Suite: II. Danse
Still: Orchestral Works
Wood Notes: II. Autumn Night: Lightly
Still: Symphonies Nos. 2 & 3 - Wood Notes
Wood Notes: I. Singing River: Moderately slow
Still: Symphonies Nos. 2 & 3 - Wood Notes
Symphony No. 1, "Afro-American": III. Humor (Animato)
Still: Afro-American Symphony
Quit dat Fool'nish (version for violin and piano)
Still, W.G.: Violin and Piano Music
American Suite: I. Indian Love Song
Still: Orchestral Works
American Suite: III. Lament
Still: Orchestral Works
Wood Notes: III. Moon Dusk: Slowly and expressively
Still: Symphonies Nos. 2 & 3 - Wood Notes
Quit Dat Fool'nish (For Violin and Piano)
Oregon Festival of American Music Presents William Grant Still
Mother and Child (from Suite for Violin and Piano)
American and English Orchestral Music
Symphony No. 1, "Afro-American": IV. Aspiration (Lento, con risoluzione)
Still: Afro-American Symphony
Quit Dat Fool'nish (Arr. D.P. Perna for Violin & Orchestra)
Still: Orchestral Works