
de Unknown

Today I wake up
I didn't know what was going on
But I felt like I need to keep on
Trying to keep that mountain up

Babe, I was thinking
How never meet you before
Is it from me
Or this just keep growing up

We've tried to stop
But that just wasn't enough
How, how I never meet you before
Please now I don't wanna stop

Today I wake up
I didn't know what's going on
But I felt like I need to keep on
Trying to keep that mountain up

There's another day
And believe me I just keep thinking
How I never meet you before
Maybe it was you I was looking for

And how, how I feel this way
When no one else could broke
What I was fighting to built my whole life
Maybe we just need to keep crossing this way

Today I wake up
And I swear for God
There's another shinning day
And the reason it's your smile

I think it was in your eyes
That I see what no one else could see
Maybe it was you I was looking for
How I never meet you before

I'm feeling so strange
Never felt like these before
How is even possible to meet someone like you
Changing me the way that only you do

We've tried to stop, but that ain't enough
It just gave the strong that we needed
To tell you that I never felt this before

Babe, I swear for God
I never meant to hurt you before
On the moment that we talk
I knew that it was with you that I had to walk

And today I wake up
Babe I swear for God
Everything seems to be so true
Every feeling is so pure

But when the night comes
Everything seems to be so gone
And then I lay down
And you come trough my mind

Please don't let it go
Just hold on a little more
Just like when we thought we ain't bigger
But we are little bigger than we thought

And today when I wake up
I realize that I should never let you go
How can I say
How is possible that we didn't meet before
Now everything is so strange

But I promise you that this is myself
How is it possible I we didn't meet before
I never felt this way before
And now I know that it is with you that I need to walk

Babe, maybe we're a little bigger than we thought

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