de Turnover
Three days passed since I last saw you face to face,
And you’re not here anymore tonight than the one before.
I told you it would be the same.
Well, I wish that I could say that I didn’t lie.
Maybe tonight you’ll say you’re sick of this.
Maybe tonight I’ll miss you more.
But I’m tired and you’re sad and
Both of us could use a break from all of this.
Three weeks passed since I last saw your smiling face,
And I wish you were with me tonight.
I told you before I hope things will be the same,
But if I said that I was sure it’d be a lie.
Hey, how are things where you are?
I don’t miss much about being home,
But I miss the sound of your dogs barking
As I climbed up your front steps and
How I didn’t always seem to feel alone.
And I can’t help but shiver, here without you.
Más canciones de Turnover
Stone Station
Myself in the Way
Bonnie (Rhythm & Melody)
Good Nature
Change Irreversible
Humblest Pleasures
Still In Motion
Peripheral Vision
What Got In The Way
Good Nature
Bella Donna
Blue Dream
Hello Euphoria
Peripheral Vision
Fuck IT
Blue Dream
Sleepless Nights
Take My Head
Peripheral Vision
Cutting My Fingers Off
Peripheral Vision
I Would Hate You If I Could
Peripheral Vision
Dizzy On the Comedown
Peripheral Vision
Nightlight Girl
Good Nature
Number On The Gate
Tears of Change
Myself in the Way
Flicker And Fade
Pure Devotion
Good Nature