Sur la naissance de notre Seigneur Jésus Christ, H. 482 "Pastorale": Heureux bergers

de Traditional

The carrion crow sat upon an oak
to me ring dong dilly dong ky-ro-lee
watching the tailor mending his cloak
to me ring dong dilly dong ky-ro-lee.


Hey fo lee fo la fo lerum
hey fo lee fo lerum lee
up jumps John, ringing on his bell
to me ring dong dilly dong ky-ro-lee.

Wife fetch me my old bent bow
I will shoot the carrion crow.


He shot the crow but he missed his mark
he shot the old sow to the heart.


Wife fetch brandy in a spoon
our old sow, she's in a swoon.


He dragged the old sow to the house
there they fed her tatties in sauce.


The old sow died and the bells did toll
the little pigs prayed for the old sow's soul.


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