de Tourniquet
[I. The Suffering]
Skeezix bloated in petulance from the night's debauch
Wields his mutated feline frame down from his arboreal watch
Space 109 is always occupied by the countless faces who tried and tried
Bruises from an unseen source as chronic abuser runs his course
There is no remorse
Sinewy limbs reach through the bars to collect the carcasses of souls
Given over the deeds of infamy, Skeezix took his toll
The ungainly truncated form of the docile Pipsisewah
Subtle in demeanor yet with powers that beggar description
They call him by different names
Some call him Gilgamesh, the man who has never tasted death
The size of the room is half as large cause you walked around it twice
And you walk again with both eyes shut cause your fears became your vice
[II. The Battle]
Tormentor underestimating the power of the Pipsisewah
Confrontation on the grandest scale the outcome already known
The child whose humble prayer set the battle of ages
Torment no more
[III. The Victory]
We call him Jehovah who's always near
And you can win the battle when you pray without fear
The weak are victorious when the strong reaches down
And the ones who bring sadness will bow to the Crown
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Psycho Surgery
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Perfect Night for a Hanging
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Vanishing Lessons
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Pathogenic Ocular Dissonance
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You Get What You Pray For
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Broken Chromosomes
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Viento Borrascoso (Devastating Wind)
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Carry the Wounded
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Bearing Gruesome Cargo
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The Skeezix Dilemma
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Ark of Suffering
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The Hand Trembler
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The Waters
Control / 8lt / Delete
I Hate the Way This Makes Me Feel
the pull off
the pull off
I Hate the Way This Makes Me Feel