Copper Palms
de Tourniquet
Darwinistic Dante's Inferno partially obstructed preconceptionssteering the helm
Microscopic View of a Telescopic Realm
As the fire's embers faded and wrought their broken, dying ghostsblack upon the ground
And the sunlight sets the clouds aflame
Do you not gaze in wonder of how they became?
What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yetforfeits his soul?
And the grandest of valleys and canyons that are cut with thepassing of eons of time
From a wave of the mightiest hand from the giver of life andbeauty sublime
When the tufted footfalls of a jungle beast silently slip pastyour panicking feet
And the soul within you marvels and your praise to Him is cast
Do you really think Mr. Darwin's words and thoughts truly are thelast?
Chaos, order
As scaled wings erupt in brilliant colors spectrum's view
When a seed becomes a plant and then a tree then starts anew
Of skeletal frame of fins and flight by chance they do appear bymight?
Of atoms protoplasmic start will soon contain a beating heart
Chaos, order
As the sunlight sets the clouds aflame, do you not wonder of howthey became?
If the monster lives in the depths of Loch Ness,
And the Yeti prowls the nights in the Northwest
He is their Maker - both the Giver of Life, the quencher ofstrife
From the world's first dividing cell to the loneliest quarters ofhell
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The Waters
Control / 8lt / Delete
I Hate the Way This Makes Me Feel
the pull off
the pull off
I Hate the Way This Makes Me Feel