White Magic
de This Is The Kit
And so the outside, it bashes us in
Bashes us about a bit
Feel it tugging you, ploughing you flat
Then feel it filling your sails
And warm on your back
And blessed are those who see and are silent
And blessed are those who see and are silent
And blessed are those who see and are silent
Blessed are those who see
So won't you hoist up the bucket now, Charlie?
Hoosh it all over the dead
Cause we've been getting most mightily filthy
Mud marks up to our necks
And they did unfold and the wind it did feel them
And they did unfold and the wind it did feel them
And they did unfold and the wind it did feel them
And they did unfold and the wind
And so the outside, it bashes us in
Bashes us about a bit
Feel it tugging you, ploughing you flat
Then feel it filling your sails
And warm on your back
Más canciones de This Is The Kit
Take You To Sleep
Careful Of Your Keepers
Moonshine Freeze
Moonshine Freeze
Bullet Proof
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Hotter Colder
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Easy on the Thieves
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All Written Out in Numbers
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Empty No Teeth
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Riddled with Ticks
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Two Pence Piece
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Show Me So
Moonshine Freeze
By My Demon Eye
Moonshine Freeze
Solid Grease
Moonshine Freeze
Coming to Get You Nowhere
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Wriggle Out the Restless
Greasy Goose
Krülle Bol
Greasy Goose
Where It Lives
Wriggle Out the Restless
Found Out
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Started Again
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This Is What You Did
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