Ave Maria
de Théodore Dubois
Now you have to really give up everything
Everything that made you who you are
Let the anchor hold your body down to earth
This is a travel of the mind
And the light explodes burns so bright
Hold your breath quit the fight
Time flies with colors on your final trip
And space before your eyes It burns
Now you have to really give up everything
This is a travel of the mind
And the light explodes burns so bright
Hold your breath quit the fight
And the light explodes burns so bright
Hold your breath quit the fight
Más canciones de Théodore Dubois
3 extraits de la Messe des Morts: Pie Jesu
Dubois: Les 7 paroles du Christ & 6 motets
Adoramus Te Christe (DuBois)
Lent at Ephesus (Rereleased)
Xavière, Act II: Air. "Au clair matin" (Landry)
So Romantique !
20 Pièces nouvelles: No. 2, Air à danser
Théodore Dubois: 20 Pièces nouvelles
Messe à 4 voix: O sallutaris
Dubois: 3 messes brèves-Motets
Adoramus te Christe
Dubois: 3 messes brèves-Motets
Théodore Dubois: Toccata: Douze pièces pour orgue
Orgue symphonique Hugo Mayer (2002, III / 48) (Eglise Saint-Nicolas, Village-Neuf, Alsace, France)