Bad Day
de The Boys
Bad Day - The boys
When you get up in the morning
Just to watch your favourite show and it`s over
When you wanna make some tea
And you haven`t got a light for the cooker
When you finally find a match
But you haven't got a coin for the meter....
It`s a bad................... day
It`s a bad................... day
When you go to see your girl
In the middle of the night 'cos you love her
And you know it's not polite
But you don't knock on the door 'cos you know her
And she's with another guy
And they`re bouncing up and down on the sofa....
When you have to move your bed
'Cos the damp patch on the wall's getting nearer
And you move it to the wall
But you slip and put your head through the mirror
So you plaster up your face
And decide to stay in bed 'til it's over
When you find out that the horse
On the ticket that you lost is a winner
It`s your last slice of bread
And you burn it to a crisp in the toaster
And the horoscope you read
Says you should have stayed in bed till tomorrow...
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Lucky Charm
Messages From The Boys
Lucky Charm
Motown: The Complete No. 1's
Thing Called Love
The Boys
The Boys
A Little Romance
Messages From The Boys
Brickfield Nights
The Punk Rock Anthology
The Boys (Deluxe Edition)
Sir Nose - Interlude
The Boys
First Time
The Boys (Deluxe Edition)
First Time - Single Version
The Punk Rock Anthology
First Time - Long Version
The Boys (Deluxe Edition)
First Time
I Don't Care: The Nems Records Years
The First Time - Extended Version
Punk Rock Rarities
No No Square
No No Square
Dial My Heart
Messages From The Boys
Sick on You
The Punk Rock Anthology
Be My Girl
Messages From The Boys
The Boys
Funny 92
The Saga Continues...