Concordi laetitia

de The Benedictine Abbey of Saint Benôit-Du-Lac, Dom André Saint-Cyr

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Más canciones de The Benedictine Abbey of Saint Benôit-Du-Lac, Dom André Saint-Cyr

  • Memorare

    Cantus Mariales: Sacred Chants to the Virgin Mary from the Middle Ages

  • Isti sunt agni novelli
    Isti sunt agni novelli

    Cantus Mariales: Sacred Chants to the Virgin Mary from the Middle Ages

  • Magnificat

    Cantus Mariales: Sacred Chants to the Virgin Mary from the Middle Ages

  • Inviolata

    Cantus Mariales: Sacred Chants to the Virgin Mary from the Middle Ages

  • Virgo clemens
    Virgo clemens

    Cantus Mariales: Sacred Chants to the Virgin Mary from the Middle Ages

  • Clemens et benigna
    Clemens et benigna

    Cantus Mariales: Sacred Chants to the Virgin Mary from the Middle Ages

  • O Virgo pulcherrima
    O Virgo pulcherrima

    Cantus Mariales: Sacred Chants to the Virgin Mary from the Middle Ages

  • O Maria vitae via
    O Maria vitae via

    Cantus Mariales: Sacred Chants to the Virgin Mary from the Middle Ages

  • O Maria Mater pia
    O Maria Mater pia

    Cantus Mariales: Sacred Chants to the Virgin Mary from the Middle Ages

  • Tota pilchra es
    Tota pilchra es

    Cantus Mariales: Sacred Chants to the Virgin Mary from the Middle Ages

  • Salve mira creatura
    Salve mira creatura

    Cantus Mariales: Sacred Chants to the Virgin Mary from the Middle Ages

  • Ave Virgo speciei
    Ave Virgo speciei

    Cantus Mariales: Sacred Chants to the Virgin Mary from the Middle Ages

  • Salve Mater misericordiae
    Salve Mater misericordiae

    Cantus Mariales: Sacred Chants to the Virgin Mary from the Middle Ages

  • O beata Mater
    O beata Mater

    Cantus Mariales: Sacred Chants to the Virgin Mary from the Middle Ages

  • Sancta Maria
    Sancta Maria

    Cantus Mariales: Sacred Chants to the Virgin Mary from the Middle Ages

  • O mira caritas
    O mira caritas

    Cantus Mariales: Sacred Chants to the Virgin Mary from the Middle Ages