Never say Never
de Takanori Nishikawa
高いなアーカイブアクセスしてkōdaina ākaibu akusesu shite
検索してもI don't think it's rightkensaku shitatte I don't think it's right
データは過去ワードはサインdēta wa kako wādo wa sain
答えは404 not foundkotae wa 404 not found
Real × eyez始まりの合図Real × eyez hajimari no aizu
新しい時代をatarashī jidai wo
We gotta sun × rise burning like the firesWe gotta sun × rise burning like the fires
切り開け運命をkiri hirake unmei wo
You wanna real × eyez描いた未来図You wanna real × eyez egaita miraizu
打ち抜いて行けるのはbuchi nuite ikeru no wa
You're the only oneYou're the only one
脳内のストレージアップデートしてnōnai no sutorēji appudēto shite
解析してもI don't feel it's rightkaiseki shitatte I don't feel it's right
感情的インフルエンサー迷えば408 time outkanjō-teki influencer mayoeba 408 time out
Real × eyez限界をリサイズReal × eyez genkai o resized
解き放て魂をtokihanate tamashī o
We need the day × lite常識のデバイスWe need the day × lite jōshiki no device
散らして掴むのがke chirashite tsukamu no ga
It's your only oneIt's your only one
君の声が (君の声が)kimi no koe ga (kimi no koe ga)
君の夢が (君の夢が)kimi no yume ga (kimi no yume ga)
明日を超えて (明日を超えて)ashita o koete (ashita o koete)
届くまでdon't stop don't hesitatetodoku made don't stop don't hesitate
nothing gonna change real worldnothing gonna change real world
Real × eyez始まりの合図Real × eyez hajimari no aizu
新しい時代をatarashī jidai o
We gotta sun × rise burning like the firesWe gotta sun × rise burning like the fires
切り開け運命をkirihirake unmei o
You wanna real × eyez描いた未来図You wanna real × eyez egaita miraizu
打ち抜いて行けるのはbuchi nuite ikeru no wa
We need to delight常識のデバイスWe need to delight jōshiki no device
散らして掴むのがke chirashite tsukamu no ga
You're the only oneWou're the only one
You're the only oneYou're the only one
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