Windfall Island
de Super Piano 64
I cannot shake this notion
It haunts me through the streets
The height is that of giants
The depth is that of seas
The words refuse my tongue
They tear me from my sleep
You ask me why I cry
But I cannot bear to speak
The nightmare goes on
Won't somebody wake me
I cannot bear this notion
Its hand, an icy clasp
I bear its weight at all times
You need not even ask
This sadness in my eyes
The burden drags me down
It shames the storm outside
God knows I've tried and tried.
Más canciones de Super Piano 64
After the Battle
Zelda & Sleep 2
Littleroot Town
Poké & Sleep
Village Bridge
Poké & Sleep
Route 104
Poké & Piano
Rosalina's Observatory
Mario & Sleep
Space Junk Galaxy
Mario & Sleep
Rito Village
Zelda & Sleep
Rito Village
Zelda & Piano III
Rito Village
Zelda & Sleep V: Breath of the Wild
Hateno Village
Zelda & Sleep
Gerudo Valley
Zelda & Sleep
Serenade of Water - Instrumental
Zelda and Sleep II: Instrumentals from Ocarina of Time
Urbosa's Theme
Zelda & Sleep V: Breath of the Wild
Sheik's Theme
Zelda & Sleep
Hateno Village
Zelda & Sleep V: Breath of the Wild
New Donk City
Mario & Sleep
Daruk's Theme
Zelda & Sleep V: Breath of the Wild
Temple of Time
Zelda & Sleep 2
Hateno Village
Zelda & Sleep
Hateno Village
Zelda & Sleep V: Breath of the Wild