One Summer's Day - Instrumental
de Super Piano 64
Cities and factories spread across the borrowed map
But still I'm lost
Cities and factories spread across the furrowed land
But still I'm lost
And the soil is as cold as the moon
And the trees are as dead as a ghost
And if I never see you again
Well, I was the one who loved you the most
And the birds take a bow to my heart
Cos they've never seen quite one of it's kind
It may be worn out and wasted
It may be selectively blind
But this heart, it is proud to have loved you
This heart is not cold to the touch
This heart never ran from your kindness
This heart never asked you for much
Cities and factories spread across the borrowed map
But still I'm lost
Más canciones de Super Piano 64
After the Battle
Zelda & Sleep 2
Littleroot Town
Poké & Sleep
Village Bridge
Poké & Sleep
Route 104
Poké & Piano
Rosalina's Observatory
Mario & Sleep
Space Junk Galaxy
Mario & Sleep
Rito Village
Zelda & Sleep
Rito Village
Zelda & Piano III
Rito Village
Zelda & Sleep V: Breath of the Wild
Hateno Village
Zelda & Sleep
Gerudo Valley
Zelda & Sleep
Serenade of Water - Instrumental
Zelda and Sleep II: Instrumentals from Ocarina of Time
Urbosa's Theme
Zelda & Sleep V: Breath of the Wild
Sheik's Theme
Zelda & Sleep
Hateno Village
Zelda & Sleep V: Breath of the Wild
New Donk City
Mario & Sleep
Daruk's Theme
Zelda & Sleep V: Breath of the Wild
Temple of Time
Zelda & Sleep 2
Hateno Village
Zelda & Sleep
Hateno Village
Zelda & Sleep V: Breath of the Wild