Grey Heavens
de Summoning
Over the land there lies a long shadow
Grief sights to West
Long beside to field last arrive
In tomb still is lying dream
To Minas Tirith White they’ve passed road
There is White Tower turned to shadow
They wreathed dying world to withering sound that
To the tombs of king’s doom approaches
Who shall call the forgotten people?
Whose shall the horn be?
Where the searched grey twilight
Where over dark wings lay
Far away over northern mountains
We shall hail now before cursed graves
Over the land there lies a long shadow
Westward reaching wings of darkness
The tower trembles
The dead awaken for the hour is come for the oathbreakers
At the stone of Erech they shall hear a horn in the hills
We rode under White Mountains
We rode to kneel down before buried grave
Far away, covered by shadows, White Mountains
We’re here, pale towers raised up that high
Over the land there lies a long shadow
Westward reaching wings of darkness
The tower trembles, to the tombs of kings
Long to field last arrive
In tomb
At the stone of Erech shall they hear
Still is, still is going war
The grey company now arrived
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Old Mornings Dawn
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Old Mornings Dawn
Through the Forest of Dol Guldur
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A New Power`s Rising
Let Mortal Heroes Sing Your Fame
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Old Mornings Dawn
The White Tower
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Old Mornings Dawn
Of Pale White Morns and Darkened Eves
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The Wandering Fire
Old Mornings Dawn
Minas Morgul
The Passing of the Grey Company
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Minas Morgul
Marching Homewards
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The Legend of the Master-Ring
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