StreamXSonik Subway
de Sonic Youth
Flipped on my perceptik cogs
Checked in with the future gods
For melodies of bees and hogs
Start my day the perfect way
Burned a batch of mazzy funk
Poor girl noise and choke style punk
Clapped it on and off I slunk
To the streamXsonik subway
First I need my iris scanned
As I smell the breeze of electric tin
With purple lights I'm motioned in
Wink the gain to minus ten
Fell asleep and missed my stop
Got rousted by a low-beam cop
Got a ticket-patch for illicit flop
Then froze me with his Jesus gun
That don't mean I'm shot down yet
The glow below of the whisper jet
It all means so much to us
We dream the below the rainbow's rust
Clipped on my streetmatik clogs
Pushed thru the hyped-out fervent fogs
Found my way with sensoid jogs
New radio structure
State my name and locus frame
Paid the price for crashing fame
The apprentice sparks his initial flame
The printout sign says "further"
Antique minds with rivered hair
StreamXSonik subway fare
Stay in touch electric dear
Our lightmap eyes together
Más canciones de Sonic Youth
Shadow of a Doubt
I Love You Mary Jane
Judgment Night
Beauty Lies in the Eye
Nevermind (What Was It Anyway)
NYC Ghosts & Flowers
Stereo Sanctity
Teen Age Riot (Album Version)
Daydream Nation (Deluxe Edition)
Spahn Ranch Dance
Walls Have Ears
Sugar Kane
A Thousand Leaves
Kill Yr. Idols
Confusion Is Sex (Plus Kill Yr. Idols)
If I Were A Carpenter
Dirty Boots
Kool Thing
Rather Ripped
Little Trouble Girl
Washing Machine
Dirty Boots
Goo (Deluxe Edition)
Bull In The Heather
Experimental Jet Set, Trash And No Star