de Sodom
I am that I am the flame
Hidden in a sacred ark
I am the unspoken name
And unbegotten spark
I am that ever goeth
Being myself the way
Supreme for creating words
None but I have ever heard
Emplorer of aeon
Plectren of primal paen
In the sea my father lies
Wept my waters lost forever
Where the waste of moe replieth
Naught nowhere and never
I will shine as he shone
Must go how he has gone
Fotrh from you and darksome cell
From deep abyss of hell
Coming to view the earth again
See if you can ease distempered brain
Fear and care doth pierce the soul
Hark, how angry furies howl
For the father and his son
Holy spirits are norm
Male femate quintessential one
Man being veiled in woman form
Glory and worship in the highest
Thou dove mankind that defiest
These my witness and woman
Shall dare the dark agian
Find no sacred ark to swim in
Nemorseless realm of rain
My body wear of empty clasp
Strong as a lion, sharp as an asp
Coat of the flock, I am gold and god
Flesh to thy bone, flow to thy rod
With hoofs of steel I race on the rocks
Through solstice stubborn to
Más canciones de Sodom
Agent Orange
Agent Orange
Iron Fist
Persecution Mania
Napalm in the Morning (2021 - Remaster)
M-16 (20th Anniversary Edition)
Genocide (2021 - Remaster)
M-16 (20th Anniversary Edition)
What Hell Can Create
Code Red
Code Red
1000 Days of Sodom
Ten Black Years - Best Of
The Harpooneer
Genesis XIX
Nuclear Winter
Persecution Mania
Persecution Mania
Persecution Mania
Persecution Mania
Enchanted Land
Persecution Mania
Procession to Golgatha
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Christ Passion
Persecution Mania
Persecution Mania
Persecution Mania
Outbreak of Evil
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Sodomy and Lust
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Persecution Mania