Hooray!! - Live from the Verandah
de Snog
I got a notion but the notion is wrong.
I got an idea but the idea has gone.
I got a message but my message is wrong.
Can't keep my eyes from the dying sun.
Hooray!!, I say for the end of the world.
Hooray!!, I say for the end of it all.
Hurry-on, madness.
Hurry-on, disease.
Hurry-on, insanity.
Hurray-on, please...
Hurry-on, the bomb.
Hurry-on, the plague.
Hurry-on, disaster.
Hurry-on, the rage.
Clean the slate.
Turn the page.
The final breath of the final age.
Don't wonder. Don't fear.
Peace at last will be here.
Hooray!!, I say for the end of the world.
Hooray!!, I say for the end of it all.
Hurry-on, the void.
Hurry-on, the end.
Hurry-on, abyss.
Hurry-on, my friend.
The final day, the final chore.
The age of shopping no more.
All the hassle, all the sweat.
All the boredom, all the mess.
Hooray!!, I say for the end of the world.
Hooray!!, I say for the end of it all.
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