Skip's Worried Blues
de Skip James
Yes, I was a good man
But I'm's a po' man
You understand
In the hospital, now
In Washington D.C.
Ain't got nobody
To see about me
But I'm's a good man
But I'm's a po' man
You can understand
All the doctors
And nurses, too
They came and they asked me
'Who in the world are you?'
I says, I'm the good man
But I'm's a po' man
You can understand
The doctors and nurses
They shakin' their head
Said, 'Take this po' man
And put him to bed'
Because he's a good man
We know he's a po' man
We can understand
I didn't go hungry
I had a-plenty to eat
I had good treatment
And a place to sleep
Because I was a good man
They knew I was a po' man
They could understand
I met a little damsel
She promised me
That she would love me
And always be sweet
She found out I was a po' man
And I thought I was a good man
She couldn't understand, no
Now, when she left me
She got in the do'
She waved me, good-bye
I haven't seen her no mo'
She found out I was a good man
She knew I was a po' man
She couldn't understand
The doctors and nurses
They shakin' my hand
Say, 'You can go home now, Skip
You's a sound, well man'
Because you's a good man
You's a po' man
We can understand
I'd thankin' my doctor
And I was shakin' his hand
I'm gon' play these, 'Hospital Blues'
'Till you's a wealthy man'
You took me as a good man
You know'd I was a po' man
You could understand
You know'd I was a good man
But I'm's a po' man
You-ooo can understand!
More lyrics:
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