Danger! Chased by Rock ...for Lost World
Another day is like a new beginning
And so today I know that it's a new start
I know the bad times are disappearing
Cause now I know that we'll never be apart
You're the one that makes me feel so high
Just like the diamonds in the sky
I never want to hear you say goodbye
Cause you're my diamond in the sky
You're the one that makes me feel so high
Just like the diamonds in the sky
I never want to hear you say goodbye
Cause you're my diamond in the sky
Another road that we must travel
Another night for you to show me the way
And so today, I give up dreaming
Cause now I know, I need you everyday
You're the one that makes me feel so high
Just like the diamonds in the sky
I never want to hear you say goodbye
Cause you're my diamond in the sky
You're the one that makes me feel so high
Just like the diamonds in the sky
I never want to hear you say goodbye
Cause you're my diamond in the sky
Where do all the rainbows go?
To somewhere I don't know
Wherever it is, I want to go
Wherever it is I want to go
Feel so high
Feel so high!
You're the one that makes me feel so high
Just like the diamonds in the sky
I never want to hear you say goodbye
Cause you're my diamond in the sky
You're the one that makes me feel so high
Just like the diamonds in the sky
I never want to hear you say goodbye
Cause you're my diamond in the sky
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