de Screeching Weasel
I walked around alone last night and tried to look at
People like i did back then i
Kinda wanted to just hang out
Remind myself what it was all
About again everything i
Thought i'd shattered and
Leftlaying there that didn't
Matter every now and then
Comes back to my eyes moving
In a new direction i know if
You're not getting better
You're getting worse but
Watching everybody elses it's
Getting harder to remind
Myself of what i've learned
Relying on another lame
Religion to validate our
Arrogant traditions and any
Day we're gonna wonder why
We've been left behind this
Girl came up to me and said i
Think my teacher used to go
To school with you and she
Was right and if for just a
Second i take off those
Coloured glasses i can see it might just be a waste of time
And i don't know everyday
That passes it gets easier to
Walk off and it seems alright
And everyday another person i
Used to call my friend just
Disappears from sight now i
See that i'm all alone just like i always was from the
Beginning and i think maybe
That's the reason i'm not
Hanging around i see your
Face and wonder where you'll
Be in five years from now and
What it really means to you inside i can't explain the
Reasons why i can't hang out
And bide my time it just
Keeps going on and on and on
And on and on
And i don't know
Más canciones de Screeching Weasel
Veronica Hates Me
My Brain Hurts
Guest List
My Brain Hurts
Cool Kids
Bark Like a Dog
Back of Your Head
Some Freaks Of Atavism
Hey Suburbia
Boogadaboogadaboogada! (2020 Remaster)
Boogadaboogadaboogada! (2020 Remaster)
My Brain Hurts
My Brain Hurts
My Right
Boogadaboogadaboogada! (2020 Remaster)
Follow Your Leaders
First World Manifesto
What We Hate
My Brain Hurts
Get off My Back
Bark Like a Dog
The First Day of Summer
Bark Like a Dog
My Brain Hurts
Kamala's Too Nice
My Brain Hurts
I Was A High School Psychopath
Wiggle (25th Anniversary Remix and Remaster)
Boogadaboogadaboogada! (2020 Remaster)
Boogadaboogadaboogada! (2020 Remaster)
This Ain't Hawaii
Boogadaboogadaboogada! (2020 Remaster)
We Skate
Boogadaboogadaboogada! (2020 Remaster)
Police Insanity
Boogadaboogadaboogada! (2020 Remaster)