To Each His Storm - Remastered
This is too close, far too close
You just might
Be blinded by this crown's golden light
You just might
Be putting yourself in the flame
Which can only burn in shame
Our lawless life
Just seems so compelling
Because you too could
Ennoble yourself
Through rebelling
But what good are they
Ideals soaked in blood
What good are they
Buried in the mud
To each his ground
On which to flourish
To each his storm in which to perish
But now that we've shed our clothes
And shared our oaths
There's no way back for you
Don't kid yourself
We'd rather be mad than delighted
You'd rather be entertained
Than enlightened
There's no way back to you
To each his ground
On which to flourish
To each his storm in which to perish
To each his ground
To each his ground
To each his ground
On which to flourish
To each his storm in which to perish
To each his ground
To each his ground
This is too close, far too close
You just might
Be blinded by this crown's golden light
You just might
Be putting yourself in the flame
Die keller versiegelt
Die bücher eingestampft
Die bibliotheken verriegelt
Die schriften verbrannt
Die zeitungen geschwärzt
Die portraits gewechselt
Die vorstellungen gestört
Die theater geschlossen
Die filme zerstört
Die spiegel erblindet
Más canciones de ROME
Keep Listening - Life (feat. B. Head Johnson) - Original Mix
Love / Life MixTape (K.O.B. Bandit), Vol. 1
Crazy Love
Die Aesthetik der Herrschaftsfreiheit - Band 3 (Aufgabe or a Cross of Flowers)
I Gotta Be Down
Feelin' Kinda Good
A La Faveur De La Nuit - Remastered
Anthology 2005-2015 (Remastered)
Say Yes
Rome 2000: Thank You
The Conquest of Violence
Die Aesthetik der Herrschaftsfreiheit - Band 3 (Aufgabe or a Cross of Flowers)
All for Naught
Die Aesthetik der Herrschaftsfreiheit - Band 3 (Aufgabe or a Cross of Flowers)
You Threw It at Me Like Stones
Die Aesthetik der Herrschaftsfreiheit - Band 3 (Aufgabe or a Cross of Flowers)
Time and Tide
Die Aesthetik der Herrschaftsfreiheit - Band 3 (Aufgabe or a Cross of Flowers)
Dawn and the Darkest Hour
Die Aesthetik der Herrschaftsfreiheit - Band 3 (Aufgabe or a Cross of Flowers)
Years of Abalone
Die Aesthetik der Herrschaftsfreiheit - Band 3 (Aufgabe or a Cross of Flowers)
Petrograd Waltz
Die Aesthetik der Herrschaftsfreiheit - Band 3 (Aufgabe or a Cross of Flowers)
Die Aesthetik der Herrschaftsfreiheit - Band 3 (Aufgabe or a Cross of Flowers)
Ballots and Bullets
Die Aesthetik der Herrschaftsfreiheit - Band 3 (Aufgabe or a Cross of Flowers)
Appeal to the Slaves
Die Aesthetik der Herrschaftsfreiheit - Band 3 (Aufgabe or a Cross of Flowers)