A Cross of Fire
We won't reveal our ailments and what haunts our sleep nightly
In this tiny little world, we've locked ourselves in so tightly
And the dead stand between us like wraiths and the people we've abandoned
The life, we've surrendered to the streams
Oh Rhodesia, given you my vow
And I owe nothing
Nothing and nothing and nothing and nothing
One fire fights one fire
One-nil, one-nil
Rights by rights falter
Strengths by strengths do fail
All that's left now are dreams of kings we've murdered to dissect
For our meddling intellect misshapes the beauteous forms of things
So we bleat a little, twist a little, rotting in the belly of the beast
While you feel you cannot be wrong
Oh Rhodesia, given you my vow
And I owe nothing
Nothing and nothing and nothing and nothing
One fire fights one fire
One-nil, one-nil
Rights by rights falter
Strengths by strengths do fail
Oh Rhodesia, given you my vow
And I owe nothing
Nothing and nothing and nothing and nothing
One fire fights one fire
One-nil, one-nil
Rights by rights falter
Strengths by strengths do fail
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Keep Listening - Life (feat. B. Head Johnson) - Original Mix
Love / Life MixTape (K.O.B. Bandit), Vol. 1
Crazy Love
Die Aesthetik der Herrschaftsfreiheit - Band 3 (Aufgabe or a Cross of Flowers)
I Gotta Be Down
Feelin' Kinda Good
A La Faveur De La Nuit - Remastered
Anthology 2005-2015 (Remastered)
Say Yes
Rome 2000: Thank You
The Conquest of Violence
Die Aesthetik der Herrschaftsfreiheit - Band 3 (Aufgabe or a Cross of Flowers)
All for Naught
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You Threw It at Me Like Stones
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Time and Tide
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Dawn and the Darkest Hour
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Years of Abalone
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Petrograd Waltz
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Die Aesthetik der Herrschaftsfreiheit - Band 3 (Aufgabe or a Cross of Flowers)
Ballots and Bullets
Die Aesthetik der Herrschaftsfreiheit - Band 3 (Aufgabe or a Cross of Flowers)
Appeal to the Slaves
Die Aesthetik der Herrschaftsfreiheit - Band 3 (Aufgabe or a Cross of Flowers)