Tyggegummikongen Bobbel
de Regina
Boy! There's no one home tonight
The timing could be right
To forget the rules
We're out of school until tomorrow
Now if only you would stay
There's so many games we'd play
Or should we pretend to be just friends
When we could be so much more
Baby love, (you are my)
Baby love, (just call me)
Baby love, (you are my)
Baby love, (just call me)
Words don't mean so much to me
(Mean so much to me)
I'd rather wait and see
See what happens when the lights go down
(The lights go down)
Wrap your arms around me
Time (time)
To leave the world behind
(Leave the world behind)
Save it for another time (ooh ooh ooh ooh)
'Cause I don't remember where I am
When you start to.... Love me! (love me)
(Ooh ooh ooh ooh)
Baby, baby love
(Ooh ooh ooh ooh)
Sweet and tasty
Baby, baby love
(Ooh ooh ooh ooh)
Boy! I want you by my side
(Want you by my side)
There's no reason we should hide
How we feel when we are near each other
Under covers (under covers)
Warm! (warm)
I'll hold you close to me
(Hold you close to me)
Your affection first degree
'Cause I don't remember where I am
When you start to.... Move me! (move me)
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