
de Quasar

What does time- mean to all of us
Is it insignificant- to the way we live out lives
Getting older- every day- Waiting to die
Are we governed by time?

Millions of years have passed- evolution
To reach this state of mind,
In our subconscious we seek to know who we are
And where we all come from

I'm not one of gods creations

The architect of space and time, is not one grand creator
But a victim of coincidence, that brings us into being

Looking back, at the questions we've asked
About our place in space and time
It seems you lied, you've hidden the truth
Cause you have feared revolt

Time's not one of gods creations

Born without perception, You aren't free to think like me
Until you wake your mind and free yourself
Then you will see


I don't claim to know, the origins of man
But I'm pretty sure that, We're not born of one man

Time swallows my day, with thoughts of what we may
Hope to become, but never will
Because of the useless-ness of my life

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