de Prong
what a crying shame talk about pass the buck
no thought of a change go out
and get your gun thought we've had out fill of that
they've had enough all of those with good will let the rest
run amok they won't come clean so
we're bound to lose don't even have
a clue no respect for you dignity
for whom one more outnumbered bleeding hearts
that humble to find some shelter from a bloody
shower another cause to blame another soul to judge
Más canciones de Prong
Breaking Point
State Of Emergency
Breaking Point
Breaking Point
Breaking Point
Snap Your Fingers, Snap Your Neck
Breaking Point
The Descent
Whose Fist Is This Anyway?
For Dear Life
Beg To Differ
Beg To Differ
Beg To Differ
Working Man - Regular Version
Working Man (Regular Version)
Ultimate Authority
X - No Absolutes
The Descent
State Of Emergency
Another Wordly Device
Proud Division
Rude Awakening
Positively Blind
Prove You Wrong
Home Rule
Prove You Wrong
Prove You Wrong
Lost And Found
Beg To Differ
Rude Awakening
Rude Awakening
Revenge...Served Cold
Carved Into Stone (Bonus Track Version)
Irrelevant Thoughts
Prove You Wrong