Winston Crying On the Bathroom Floor
de Princess Chelsea
Please don't drink so much
Drinking is bad for your heart &
Your organs they all fell down
Through the hole
That it's made in your gut
Please dont drink so much
I worry that you will die
Too fast to live
Is the stupidest saying
I've heard in my life
Please dont drink so much
Your mother would be sad
She's a nice lady
So show you deserve her
Or you'll only end up like
Your dad
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Cigarette Duet
Lil' Golden Book
Too Many People
The Great Cybernetic Depression
I Love My Boyfriend
The Loneliest Girl
Lil' Golden Book
When the World Turns Grey
The Great Cybernetic Depression
Is It All OK?
The Great Cybernetic Depression
No Church On Sunday
The Great Cybernetic Depression
We Are Very Happy
The Great Cybernetic Depression
We Were Meant 2 B
The Great Cybernetic Depression
We Are Strangers
The Great Cybernetic Depression
We're so Lost
The Great Cybernetic Depression
All the Stars
The Great Cybernetic Depression
The Deer With The Golden Lights
The Loneliest Girl
Good Enough
The Loneliest Girl
The Pretty Ones
The Loneliest Girl
Wasting Time
The Loneliest Girl
The Loneliest Girl
The Loneliest Girl
I Miss My Man
The Loneliest Girl
It's Nothing
The Loneliest Girl
Respect The Labourers
The Loneliest Girl