Tonight Is The Night
de Prince Jammy
There is no god but if there was it wouldn't
hate you for being in love lovers never burn in hell
and god would hate fred phelps 'cause boys love boys
and girls love girls and nobody loves you is that
why you say the things you say and do the things
you do how do you really think that god could hate
someone for being gay hate someone for loving
another thing he made there is no god but if there
was she would fucking hate your guts you would
rot and burn in hell and god would hate fred phelps
'cause boys love boys and girls love girls and we want
to kill you and we don't give a fuck if that's just
what you want us to do those things you say
those sings you make they teach kids how to
hate and for that you prick i hope someday to
smash your ugly face
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Rude Boy
Dub Massive Vol. 1
Mr Joe Is Dubbing
Crucial In Dub
Mr Joe Is Dubbing
Evolution Of Dub Vol. 6 - Was Prince Jammy an Astronaut?
Waterfront Gang War
Kamikazi Dub
Shoalin Temple
Kamikazi Dub
Throne Of Blood
Kamikazi Dub
Fist Of Fury
Kamikazi Dub
Conspiracy On Neptune
Destroys The Invaders
President Dub
Crucial In Dub
Sunny Side Dub
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Vincent In Dub
Crucial In Dub
Dub Conscience
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Nuff Corn Dub
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Anything A Dub
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Chatty Mouth Dub
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One Million Dub
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