de Powerwolf
Exploring the seas to conquer new lands
Troops arrayed by the church
Sanctified and blessed they set out
Crusaders, gentiles' scourge
They fight, they kill, they rape
Under the banner of the 'holy' church
They hunt, they lie, they cheat, they steal
Doing dirty deeds
Hungry for gold
Doing as the religious madman told
Religion's knight
Havoc and death caused by pride
Pearls of glass for ingots of gold
Violence, force and deceit
Taking the wealth or the indian's life
Their way of feeding their greed
Heathen must turn to christianity
It's like believe or die
Arrogance and blindness, religion's force
Believers never ask the reason why
Más canciones de Powerwolf
Dancing with the Dead
Call of the Wild (Deluxe Version)
Testament in Black (Bonus Track)
The History of Heresy II (2009 - 2012)
Amen & Attack
Preachers of the Night
Interludium (Deluxe Version)
Altars On Fire
Interludium (Deluxe Version)
Altars on Fire - Orchestral Version
Interludium (Deluxe Version)
Faster Than the Flame
Call of the Wild (Deluxe Version)
Beast of Gévaudan
Call of the Wild (Deluxe Version)
Call of the Wild (Deluxe Version)
Alive or Undead
Call of the Wild (Deluxe Version)
Blood for Blood (Faoladh)
Call of the Wild (Deluxe Version)
Call of the Wild (Deluxe Version)
Call of the Wild
Call of the Wild (Deluxe Version)
Sermon of Swords
Call of the Wild (Deluxe Version)
Undress to Confess
Call of the Wild (Deluxe Version)
Reverent of Rats
Call of the Wild (Deluxe Version)
Sanctified with Dynamite (feat. Ralf Scheepers)
Call of the Wild (Deluxe Version)
Demons Are a Girl's Best Friend (feat. Alissa White-Gluz)
Call of the Wild (Deluxe Version)
Nightside of Siberia (feat. Johan Hegg)
Call of the Wild (Deluxe Version)
Where the Wild Wolves Have Gone (feat. Doro)
Call of the Wild (Deluxe Version)