Lupus Dei
de Powerwolf
Cantus lupus
Satura luna
Corpus nudus domina
Agnus totus
Animus mortus
Ave deus sinistra
Cultus lupus
Opus damnatus
Metus mortis nocturna
Terra sanguis
Padre occultus
Sanctus pupus anima
Dark is the day
God of the grey
Born to obey
All they will say
Mine is the way
Fall down and pray
Hey, hey, wolves don't pray!
Symbols of pain
Out in the rain
Sent to remain
The harvest of the grain
Mine is the blame
The curse of the sane
Hey, hey, wolves don't pray!
Ah, Lupus dei
Pater noster qui es in caelis
Sanctificetur nomen tuum
Adveniat regnum tuum
Fiat voluntas tua
Sicut in caelo et in terra
Panem nostrum quotidianum
Da nobis hodie
Et dimitte nobis debita nostra
Sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris
Et ne nos inducas in tentationem
Sed libera nos a malo
Quia tuum est regnum
Et potestas et gloria
In saecula
Más canciones de Powerwolf
Dancing with the Dead
Call of the Wild (Deluxe Version)
Testament in Black (Bonus Track)
The History of Heresy II (2009 - 2012)
Amen & Attack
Preachers of the Night
Interludium (Deluxe Version)
Altars On Fire
Interludium (Deluxe Version)
Altars on Fire - Orchestral Version
Interludium (Deluxe Version)
Faster Than the Flame
Call of the Wild (Deluxe Version)
Beast of Gévaudan
Call of the Wild (Deluxe Version)
Call of the Wild (Deluxe Version)
Alive or Undead
Call of the Wild (Deluxe Version)
Blood for Blood (Faoladh)
Call of the Wild (Deluxe Version)
Call of the Wild (Deluxe Version)
Call of the Wild
Call of the Wild (Deluxe Version)
Sermon of Swords
Call of the Wild (Deluxe Version)
Undress to Confess
Call of the Wild (Deluxe Version)
Reverent of Rats
Call of the Wild (Deluxe Version)
Sanctified with Dynamite (feat. Ralf Scheepers)
Call of the Wild (Deluxe Version)
Demons Are a Girl's Best Friend (feat. Alissa White-Gluz)
Call of the Wild (Deluxe Version)
Nightside of Siberia (feat. Johan Hegg)
Call of the Wild (Deluxe Version)
Where the Wild Wolves Have Gone (feat. Doro)
Call of the Wild (Deluxe Version)