Tête, épaules, genoux et pieds
de Petit Ours Brun
I see the morning paper, I crumble it to bits
Cause it's bad again
How long will it take us?
To find out that this is it
Until it's bad again?
The leaves are falling
The leaves are falling
Turning over and over the leaves are turning over
Getting colder and colder, the leaves are turning over
Why do so many races, fight while our children play?
Will we melt away? Try and they'll take your best friend
Try and they'll take your head
For caring about, for caring about
The leaves are falling
The leaves are falling
Turning over and over the leaves are turning over
Getting colder and colder, the leaves are turning over
Will we care again?
Will we care again?
Everyone passes on and believes in what they want to
If we heal, we can feel something that we didn't want to
There's a sign for the time, you can read it if you want to
Or everyone will become, numb
They're falling
They're falling
They're falling
They're falling
They're falling
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Les couleurs du printemps
Les couleurs du printemps
Les couleurs du printemps
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Petit Ours Brun se promène au parc animalier
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Petit Ours Brun va chez le docteur
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Petit Ours Brun va à l'école
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Petit Ours Brun va pique-niquer
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Petit Ours Brun fête son anniversaire
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Petit Ours Brun et la baby-sitter
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Petit Ours Brun joue au parc
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Petit Ours Brun à la patinoire
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Petit Ours Brun joue dans la neige
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Petit Ours Brun se promène en forêt
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C'est mon anniversaire !
C'est mon anniversaire !
Berk ! Berk ! J'aime pas ça
10 histoires complices, Vol. 1 (Histoires)
J'ai un peu peur de la nuit
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Je suis trop content
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Il est où mon doudou ?
10 histoires complices, Vol. 1 (Histoires)
Petit Ours Brun découvre la ferme
15 grandes histoires, Vol. 1
Petit Ours Brun chez papi mamie
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Petit Ours Brun fait du manège
15 grandes histoires, Vol. 1