Petit Ours Brun joue à la plage
de Petit Ours Brun
Be careful what you wish for
'Cause it just might rain
Be cautious who prey upon
There will come a day
There will come a day
That watch the world in search of rain
Find an ocean worth and sail away
Into the night
As the masses become uncivilized
There's a voice that grows
Above the noises in my head
I'm still alive and still I'm hoping
There will come a day
There will come a day
That watch the world in search of rain
Find an ocean worth and sail away
Then sail away
Then sail away
Then sail away
Then sail away
The weight can pull you down
Till all love goes away
And there we lie unarmed and broken
There has got to be something better
'Cause we're all lonely
There has got to be something better
Hands to the sky
Show me a sign
Give me a reason why, guns take the lives of our children while
Some pray for peace
Others want to fight
Idealistic mind in a futuristic time
Gotta shine
Gotta shine
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Il est où mon doudou ?
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