Petit Ours Brun et la baby-sitter
de Petit Ours Brun
So many lies I've confessed,
So many lies made a mess.
Pushed it all into something
Pushed it all
You turned and everything went black
You turned and everything went black
Would it have tried to compete
Would it have liked but to keep
Something told me you'd hurt me
Somethings hold back
You turned and everything went black
Turned and everything went black
You pushed it all so you'd never see it
You pushed it all
Nothing but pull the strings
Danced in your soul
You're so pretty, you are
You're so pretty
Turned and everything went black
Turned and everything went black
Turned and everything went black
Turned and everything went black
I never sought power for power's sake.
'Cause power in the hands of a dangerous man is power in the hands of an enemy.
An enemy of yours and an enemy of mine
That manipulates kindness for his own personal lies
And he's counting lies counting numbers
Counting lies counting lies counting lies
So don't look at me and stare
'Cause I'm nothing like you
The difference is clear
I'm your maker you built with fear
I hope I live to see the day when your days go crashing away
To show you that your reflection is just as cold and as black as the organs that pump blood to your veins
'Cause you see, I never really wanted to hurt you, but with them
Pushed, pushed and pushed me
Pushed it all into something black
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