MacPherson's Rant / the Winging
de Old Blind Dogs
Fareweel, ye dungeons dark and strong
A lang fareweel tae thee
MacPherson's time will no' be lang
On yonder gallows tree
'Twas by a woman's treacherous hand
That I was condemned tae dee
She ca'ed me o'er tae the window sill
And a blanket she threw o'er me
Sae rantin'ly an' sae dauntin'ly
Sae wantonly gaed he
He played a tune and danced it 'roon
Below the gallows tree
The Laird o' Grant, oh that hieland sant
That first laid hands on me
He pleads the cause o' Peter Broon
Ach, let MacPherson free
"Untie these bands frae off my hands
An' bring tae me my sword
There's nae a man in a' Scotland
I'll brave him at a word"
"Oh there's some come here tae see me hanged
And some to buy my fiddle
But before I do part wi' her
I'll brak thro' her the middle"
He ta'en the fiddle into both his hands
He's brak it o'er a stane
Sayin', "No anither hand will play on thee
When I am dead and gane"
"Oh little did my mither think
When first that she cradled me
That I would turn tae the rovin' trade
And die on gallows tree"
Reprieve was comin' o'er the brig o' Banf
Tae set MacPherson free
They put the clock aye a quarter 'fore
And they hanged him frae the tree
Más canciones de Old Blind Dogs
The Twa Corbies
Close to the Bone
The Twa Corbies
Icons of Scottish Folk: Old Blind Dogs
The Twa Corbies
Scottish Folk Bands: Best of the Best, Vol. 1
The Twa Corbies
The Cruel Sister
Close to the Bone
The Cruel Sister
The Collection
The Cruel Sister
Icons of Scottish Folk: Old Blind Dogs
The Cruel Sister
Johnny O'Braidislee
Scottish Folk at Its Best
The Bonnie Banks O' Fordie
New Tricks
The Battle Of Harlaw
Highland Lassie, Pt. 2: Nigel Richard Of Pathhead / Lupin Drive
Knucklehead Circus
The Broken Pledge / Claggy's Dilemma / Hamilton's Jig
Close to the Bone
The Buzzard
Tall Tails
New Tricks
Icons of Scottish Folk: Old Blind Dogs
The Bonnie Banks o' Fordie
Icons of Scottish Folk: Old Blind Dogs
Icons of Scottish Folk: Old Blind Dogs
The Bonnie Earl o' Moray
Icons of Scottish Folk: Old Blind Dogs