The Longest Line
in the darkest tunnel, it's nice to see a light
not just a headlight
like the one that's heading right for me
it would be nice if things could turn out right
turn out right yeah don't think i'll ever see the day
i must have done something wrong
or maybe pissed up of god
i think of chinese food when i think of life
that's sweet and sour
my life is sweet as saccharine
you know 3 week old milk and grapes are not
not the same, no
i am the one Johnny Carcinogen
i must have fucked with some witch
in turn she cursed me, cursed my life
at the end of the longest line
that's where i will always be
if you need to find me, just go to,
the end of the longest line
but officer that was a yellow light
the light was red, son
insubordination, reckless driving
i must be wrong, this can't be right,
i don't belong, this world is much to dangerous,
for someone lacking luck, like me
at the end of the longest line
that's where i will always be
if you need to find me, just go to,
the end of the longest line
at the end of the longest line
that's where i will always be
at the end of the longest, line.
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