She once told me not to listen
Find the answers, intuition
Follow no-one, trust your instincts
Face the world, find out it stinks
Don't come crying, Don't come crying
Don't come cry to me
I'm not your friend, I'm just your lover
Don't put your faith, Don't put your faith in me
You cut me up and rob me blind
But now I'm fine
She told me about the places I could never find
She told me how to walk while by her side
Don't be fooled by teardrops
They're worth a thousand lies
When I saw them running down her face
I believed in her
Stranded, Ah Ah
Stranded, Ah Ah
Hit me in the gut
like a brick through a window
Left me in the gutter like a wet news rag
Sitting alone, thinking out the times we never had
Cause you were my life
She told me if and whether
We'd spend the night together
She made so many promises
I believed in her
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