No Fun in Fundamentalism
There's no fun, fun, fun
There's no fun, fun, fun
There's no fun, fun, fun
There's no fun, fun, fun
There’s no fun in Bible study class
There’s no fun getting fucked in the ass by a priest
Unless you're old and into that
It’s no fun for a kid who is scared as shit
There's no fun, fun, fun
There's no fun, fun, fun
There’s no fun when praying on a mat
There’s no fun being covered in black clothes in the desert
Unless you’re goth and into that
But not if you’re a woman who is treated like dog shit
There’s no fun for fundamentalist
There’s no fun for the poor capitalist
There’s no fun for Regan in Exorcist
There’s no fun (no fun)
There’s no fun (no fun)
There’s no fun in a theocracy
There’s no fun unless you have a chosen people I.D
Still think you got that God decree
And that’s no fun for anyone
There's no fun, fun, fun
There's no fun, fun, fun
There's no fun, fun, fun
There's no fun, fun, fun
No fun!
There's no fun, fun, fun
There's no fun, fun, fun
There's no fun!
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