News From The Front
Don't believe a word your grandfather says
He's been classified grade a psycotik
You can see it from the hole in his head
A saner man would have used a bigger gun
Degeneration ah ah ah ah ah
The lunatic clause was written for you
The story spoken is a story unheard
By you so listen cause it's unbelievable
A certain trait has passed while while centuries turned
This certain trait has been a family tradition
No simple way to tell you son
We share the same red tainted blood
I'm gonna kill me, You're gonna kill you
Killing you
Don't believe a word your grandfather says
Don't believe a word your grandfather says
Don't believe a word your grandfather says
He's a psycotik, grade a psycotic
Más canciones de NOFX
Ditch Effort (Commentary)
First Ditch Effort (Commentary Version)
White Trash, Two Heebs and a Bean
Six Years on Dope (Commentary)
First Ditch Effort (Commentary Version)
The Brews
Punk In Drublic
Sid and Nancy (Commentary)
First Ditch Effort (Commentary Version)
Oxy Moronic (Commentary)
First Ditch Effort (Commentary Version)
Please Play This Song On The Radio
White Trash, Two Heebs and a Bean
California Drought (Commentary)
First Ditch Effort (Commentary Version)
I'm a Transvest-Lite
First Ditch Effort
I Don't Like Me Anymore (Commentary)
First Ditch Effort (Commentary Version)
Franco Un-American
War on Errorism
Generation Z (Commentary)
First Ditch Effort (Commentary Version)
Lori Meyers
Punk In Drublic
I'm so Sorry Tony (Commentary)
First Ditch Effort (Commentary Version)
Dinosaurs Will Die
Pump Up The Valuum
It Ain't Lonely at the Bottom (Commentary)
First Ditch Effort (Commentary Version)
It's My Job To Keep Punk Rock Elite
So Long & Thanks For All The Shoes
Dead Beat Mom (Commentary)
First Ditch Effort (Commentary Version)
I Don't Like Me Anymore
First Ditch Effort
I'm a Transvest-Lite (Commentary)
First Ditch Effort (Commentary Version)