Last Night Was Really Fun?
Last night was really fun, that's what I heard from almost everyone
I got a hand stamp but not a first hand account
I don't remember what booze I drank, I'm not sure what kind of drugs were done
Without any account can you count it as fun?
I don't remember what notes to play, I don't remember the words I sing
Was it a good show if you can't remember a thing?
Who sharpied 'slut' on my forehead?
How did this blood get on my shirt?
Was it aggravated assault if you're the only one who got hurt?
I might have met her on myspace, I think I went over to her place
Does it count as sex if you can't remember her face?
I dislocated my knee how come my bedroom smells like piss?
Was it a good time? What did we talk about?
Afternoon fades to blackout
Who's number is this on my hand?
Why do I have shoes without socks?
Maybe this is the right time for a supervised detox
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