Fermented and Flailing
This is not a test
Not true, this kind of is a test of our endurance
There's really no one left to place the blame on and hang in at the tee
This ones not relived by a regime
It also took a hundred million
Of angry, stupid, scared, pathetic populace to complete the deed
And it's a long, long way down
And there's not climbing back
So wave buh-bye
And it's a long, long free dive
So fill your lungs with air
A grab a weight
It's been a long time coming
And well deserved
It's time to reapply
What we call neighborhoods
And start to trust your neighbors
Circle the figurative wagons
And figure it's gonna be
A long painful de-evolution that goes on for decades
America as we know it is finished, fermented and flailing
And it's a long, long way down
The parachutes are gone, so grab a smoke
And it's a long, long free fall
No sings of soft landing b-bon voyage
It's been a long time coming
And well deserved
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