El Coo Cooi
now like a viral infection
the GOP developed a vaccine
get your shot from your local christian reading room
make sure your clothes are blue and neoprene
windows closed,
televisions on,
talk show radio
where everyone agrees
the plague is here,
but exposure is avoidable
turn up mind, relinquish control
citizens questioning leader
don't want to set a precedent
we're going ask all the questions
like what kind of patriot are you?
when did you check out Trotsky?
what is your major malfunction?!
to the lord and creator
fucking communist faggot
an infidel living among us
procreating liberal hippie
disgrace yourself and your country
why don't you love it or leave it?!
i wasn't thinking of me
i wasn't thinking clearly
my deepest apologies
i wasn't thinking of me
i wasn't thinking of me
i wasn't thinking of me
i wasn't thinking of me
i wasn't thinking of me
i wasn't thinking of me
i wasn't thinking of me
i wasn't thinking of me
i wasn't thinking!!!
benevolence blinded
tolerance indicted
why don't you love it or leave it?!
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Ditch Effort (Commentary)
First Ditch Effort (Commentary Version)
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Six Years on Dope (Commentary)
First Ditch Effort (Commentary Version)
The Brews
Punk In Drublic
Sid and Nancy (Commentary)
First Ditch Effort (Commentary Version)
Oxy Moronic (Commentary)
First Ditch Effort (Commentary Version)
Please Play This Song On The Radio
White Trash, Two Heebs and a Bean
California Drought (Commentary)
First Ditch Effort (Commentary Version)
I'm a Transvest-Lite
First Ditch Effort
I Don't Like Me Anymore (Commentary)
First Ditch Effort (Commentary Version)
Franco Un-American
War on Errorism
Generation Z (Commentary)
First Ditch Effort (Commentary Version)
Lori Meyers
Punk In Drublic
I'm so Sorry Tony (Commentary)
First Ditch Effort (Commentary Version)
Dinosaurs Will Die
Pump Up The Valuum
It Ain't Lonely at the Bottom (Commentary)
First Ditch Effort (Commentary Version)
It's My Job To Keep Punk Rock Elite
So Long & Thanks For All The Shoes
Dead Beat Mom (Commentary)
First Ditch Effort (Commentary Version)
I Don't Like Me Anymore
First Ditch Effort
I'm a Transvest-Lite (Commentary)
First Ditch Effort (Commentary Version)