Eddie, Bruce and Paul
What happened to Bruce, Eddie and Paul?
What happened to Bruce, Eddie and Paul?
And Eddie had it good but Paul loved his cocaine
And Eddie hated punks
So, after a couple years
Eddie broke it off with Paul
To look for a new man
(a new man)
Paul got fucked
Fucked by Steve
Eddie's at the Red Lion looking for a new steed
Searching for a bloke
Who sings in falsetto
What happened to Bruce, Eddie and Paul?
What happened to Eddie, Paul and Bruce?
And Samson knew Eddie was looking for a long term
Stable relationship
With Paul no longer around
Bruce left Samson for Eddie
'Cause Steve convinced him to
(kudos to paul)
Kudos to Paul, fuck you Bruce
How you supposed to rock 'n roll without substance abuse?
Number of the beast isn't bad with Rob and Judas Priest
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First Ditch Effort (Commentary Version)