Don't Have The Cow
Birds are dumb cause small bird brains
But so are kids and old people
Some birds talk most others sing
I don't see you eat a talking bird
Pigs smell bad and roll in pooh
But so do kids and elderly
I don't see you chop off an old man's feet
Put them in a mason jar and pickle them
No chowder for you, cause clams have feelings too
Actually they don't have central nervousness
No manhattan style, clams have the right to smile
Come to think about it they don't have a face
They have no place for ears
There's no clam eyes to cry clam tears
No spinal cord, they must get bored
Might as well just put them out of misery
Although the world could be less selfish
I guess it's alright to eat shellfish
No chowder for you clams have feelings too
It could happen to you, clams have feelings too
I don't think they do, clams have feelings too
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