It's 3 o'clock at the Triple Rock, another round of watching Paddy talk
It's where you wanna get snowed in when you get
Snowed in, outside it's 10 below, is it day or night, we don't care or know
What we know is that we don't wanna be
Anywhere but here, please don't make us leave
When in Minnesota and you got a drinking quota
I'm seeing double at the Triple Rock, we're still here watching Paddy talk
Then undress, then get out the duct tape
The one question still remains, how much more art can we take?
I'll let you know when the medication wears off
I'm a religious drunk and this is where I pray
The church of alcoholics can't break up the congregation
Give us air to breathe, through carbonation
We are at liquor church, genuflecting on barstools
We're praying that the taps will keep the holy water flowing
Key kicks of communion, then a long night of confessions
Coming home after noon seems to raise a lot of questions
When in Minnesota and you got a drinking quota
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