de Mount Eerie
Quickly forgetting was the way I lived my life
Try telling me your name or try telling me: Don't worry
Everything I knew would quickly wither and die
All echoes would be buried in the sound of living
The sound of feet slapping sidewalk
That was me, treasure hunting, I would bury what I found
That was me, the gold digger, underground
Quickly forgotten was this forgetful way of life
When I left home, when I lived as if I'd died
Sitting on a rock and doing nothing, alone for so long
In the dark I found my sight
There you name was, written large in letters bright!
And there my faith was!
Worry not declared the night
In the great void of my life
I could feel the shape of what was missing
Like the way the Woolly Mammoth
Stands so tall and bold in our minds
I was shaking at the size of my cry
And the true love it described
I know a new day is dawning now and so ends my holy night
It's back to the world I go, back to little girls and shows
And their worldly woes, all unfurling clothes
Will I carry myself slowly enough to remember?
I sit on a dark rock doing nothing
Still just crowded in
There's the love in flesh and bones
Más canciones de Mount Eerie
Yawning Sky
Clear Moon
Emptiness, Pt. 2
A Crow Looked at Me
A Crow Looked at Me
Enduring the Waves
Lost Wisdom, Pt. 2
Empty Paper Towel Roll
Night Palace
(Something) -1
Clear Moon
Wind & Fog, Pt. 2
Night Palace
Non-Metaphorical Decolonization
Non-Metaphorical Decolonization
Huge Fire
Night Palace
My Canopy
Night Palace
Blurred World
Night Palace
Night Palace
Night Palace
November Rain
Night Palace
I Heard Whales (I Think)
Night Palace
Night Palace
the Gleam, Pt. 3
Night Palace
Swallowed Alive
Night Palace