Der Khazn un der Gabe (The Hazzan and the Gabbai)
de Moshe Ganchoff
Más canciones de Moshe Ganchoff
Hashir shehaleviyim (the song of the Levites) [arr. S. Barnett for cantor and orchestra]
Milken Archive Digital Volume 14, Album 1: Golden Voices in the Golden Land - The Great Age of Cantorial Art in America
Hayyom T'amtzeinu (arr. L. Spivack for cantor and orchestra)
Milken Archive Digital Volume 14, Album 1: Golden Voices in the Golden Land - The Great Age of Cantorial Art in America
Sheyyibane Beit Hammikdash
Milken Archive Digital Volume 14, Album 1: Golden Voices in the Golden Land - The Great Age of Cantorial Art in America
The Prophecy of Isaiah: V'haya b'aharit hayyamim (arr. R. Elhai for cantor and orchestra)
Milken Archive Digital Volume 14, Album 1: Golden Voices in the Golden Land - The Great Age of Cantorial Art in America
Ezrat (arr. S. Silverman for cantor and orchestra)
Milken Archive Digital Volume 14, Album 1: Golden Voices in the Golden Land - The Great Age of Cantorial Art in America
Ribbon Ha'olamim (arr. E. Jaffe for cantor and orchestra)
Milken Archive Digital Volume 14, Album 1: Golden Voices in the Golden Land - The Great Age of Cantorial Art in America
Kol M'kaddesh (arr. L. Spivack for cantor and orchestra)
Milken Archive Digital Volume 14, Album 1: Golden Voices in the Golden Land - The Great Age of Cantorial Art in America
Havdala (arr. W. Bass for cantor and orchestra)
Milken Archive Digital Volume 14, Album 1: Golden Voices in the Golden Land - The Great Age of Cantorial Art in America
Psalm of David: Adonai ma-rabu tzaray (arr. S. Barnett for cantor and orchestra)
Milken Archive Digital Volume 14, Album 1: Golden Voices in the Golden Land - The Great Age of Cantorial Art in America
Amar Rabbi, Elazar
Milken Archive Digital Volume 14, Album 1: Golden Voices in the Golden Land - The Great Age of Cantorial Art in America