de Mortality Rate
Impossible to know how it feels inside
Imprisoned within emptiness believing lies
All alone I still believed the truth God knows
I fail again through constant pressure
Within my mind the madness grows
In this darkness a room is a prison cell
Existing here without hope in a personal hell
In this prison cell
Aware of true potential but to have no way
Of fulfilling all these dreams now ripped up thrown away
Not to seek for symapathy but just to live
Is this another wasted day
I have no plans nothing to give
In this darkness a room is a prison cell
Existing here without hope in a personal hell
In this prison cell
Falling to the floor what have I become
Staring through resticting walls has depression won
Looking back to years long gone when hope was there
Is this the way for everyone
Or for a few is life unfair
In this darkness a room is a prison cell
Existing here without hope in a personal hell
In this prison cell
Stay with me until I see an end to the madness
I pray to thee for I can see
The four walls closing in
Stay with me until I see an end to this cold sadness
Oh be near me one day I know I'll see
The four walls falling down
Más canciones de Mortality Rate
Selfish Thieves
You Were the Gasoline
Nerve Damage
Sleep Deprivation
Forms of Fear
Sleep Deprivation
Sleep Deprivation
Rosemary / Salt Water
Chapter Six
Sleep Deprivation
Sleep Deprivation
Sleep Deprivation
Salt Water
Rosemary / Salt Water
Forms of Fear