de Momus
I love you, you're so well read
Blue stockings well spread
Your carnal knowledge knocks me dead
I love you, you're so well read
Blue stocking give head
I love you, you've read
Ovid, Anais Nin, the Song of Solomon, The Perfumed Garden and Georges Bataille's The Story of the Eye
The Petronius Satyricon, the Arabian Nights, the Decameron
The Marquis de Sade's 120 Days
And Serge Gainsbourg singing songs to Sweet Jane B
I love you, you've read
Sacher Masoch and DHL
Portnoy's Complaint and mine as well
Frank Harris, The Life and Loves
Lusts of a Moron, Wings of a Dove
The Latins of the Silver Age
The triolets of Paul Verlaine
Lautreamont and G. Cabrera Infante
Mishima Yukio and Sweet Jane B
I love you, you're so well read
Blue stocking give head
Whisper what they said
'Le silence de la chambre est profond
Aucun bruit n'arrive plus
Ni des routes, ni de la ville, ni de la mere
La nuit est a son terme, partout limpide et noir
La lune a disparu
Ils ont peur
Il ecoute, les yeux au sol
Son silence effrayante
Il parle de sa beaute
Les yeux fermees
Il peut revoir encore l'image dans sa perfection'
Más canciones de Momus
Lucky Like St. Sebastian
Circus Maximus
The Day the Circus Came to Town
Circus Maximus
Circus Maximus
The Lesson Of Sodom (According to Lot)
Circus Maximus
Paper Wraps Rock
Circus Maximus
John the Baptist Jones
Circus Maximus
Little Lord Obedience
Circus Maximus
The Rape of Lucretia
Circus Maximus
Don't Leave
Circus Maximus
King Solomon's Song and Mine
Circus Maximus
See a Friend in Tears
Circus Maximus
Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous
Don't Stop the Night
Lifestyles of the Rich And Famous
Slender Sherbet: Classic Songs Revisited
Ping Pong
What Will Death Be Like?
The Poison Boyfriend
What Will Death Be Like
Pyramid Drift
What Will Death Be Like?
Monsters of Love: Singles 1985-90